I offer an accepting and confidential space where you feel listened to and supported. I have experience helping a diverse range of people with issues that are impacting the way they feel, their relationships and their quality of life.
These challenges include feeling disconnected or overwhelmed, struggles with identity, low self-worth & self-esteem, questioning meaning and purpose in life, unsatisfying relationships and life changes (loss, navigating breakups, aging, career decisions). I also support people who identify as highly sensitive or neurodiverse.
Psychotherapy can help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and new perspectives about why we feel, think, and respond in certain ways. Gaining new insights can support us to create meaningful and lasting changes in our lives, and may help us with accepting things we can’t change.
Client Types : Individual therapy for Adults (18+).
Issues Covered : ADHD, Body Image, Loneliness, Relationship Issues, Migration Adjustment, Self-Esteem, Anxiety, Asperger's, Sex, Sexuality and Gender, Breakup & Divorce, Parenting, Social Anxiety, Personal Development, Stress, Physical Illness, Emotional Instability, Toxic Shame, Grief & Loss, Transitions & Change, Identity, Workplace Issues.
I also offer professional wellbeing support and supervision for healthcare providers who would like a confidential space to discuss their life & work.
How I work : My focus is on what is happening for you in your current life at the moment. Alongside this, I hold a psychodynamic perspective that considers that our early relationships and experiences may continue to shape how we currently feel, think, and behave. I am clinically trained in psychodynamic psychotherapy and practice flexibly to integrate various perspectives and techniques to support your goals for therapy. These include relational & attachment theory, CBT, DBT and mind-body approaches. I offer short and long term therapy.
Registrations : Registered Psychotherapist PBANZ
Qualifications : Master of Psychotherapy with Honours (First Class) (AUT), Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy (AUT), BDS (Otago).
Fees : $150 per 50 minute session.
Location : Takapuna and online
Contact Details : If you are considering therapy and would like to know more about working together, please get in touch by email krysialanigan@gmail.com or visit my website www.wellbeingpsychotherapy.co.nz